Thursday, August 31, 2006


We're going to San Fransico in October. It's the big Oracle convention!! I can't wait I love San Fransico. :)) We went last year in Septemember. So, I imagine going a little later it will be even more cold. We're stay in the financial district - by the mall. As long as I am near a mall I know I'll be able to keep myself busy.

Then, it's off to Caramel to a bed and breakfast. Caramel just reminds of Europe. We ate a little bistro the last time and they had such good food, wine, and atmostphere. I doubt it will be as romantic with a little munchkin. But, I know we'll have fun. Hopefully, we'll still get some nice days at the beach.

It's funny. I never understood why California surfers wore wetsuits...until I went there!!